Design of Machinery : An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanism and Machines.
Norton, Robert L.
Design of Machinery : An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanism and Machines. - 2nd./ed - xxi, 809p illus, appendix, index 24cm.
Machinery-Design--New York--1999--hardbound
Machinery, Kinematics--New York--1999--hardbound
Machinery--New York--1999--hardbound
Design of Machinery : An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanism and Machines. - 2nd./ed - xxi, 809p illus, appendix, index 24cm.
Machinery-Design--New York--1999--hardbound
Machinery, Kinematics--New York--1999--hardbound
Machinery--New York--1999--hardbound