Competition State Anxiety and the Level of Burnouts Among State Universities and Colleges Athletes Implications to Educational Management Escartin, Melvin N. - 183 p. 27 cm. - COMPETITION STATE ANXIETY AND THE LEVEL OF BURNOUTS AMONG STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ATHLETES: IMPLICATIONS TO EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT .

This research study is descriptive in nature which focused on the identified variables which contribute to the competition state anxiety and level of burnouts among SUC's athletes in Region III-0Central Luzon, this Academic Year 2011-2012. Specifically, this study sought to answer the demographic profile of the SUC's athletes in terms of sex, age, sports participation and sports events; the universities related factors such as coaching ability, teammates/peers, spectator's attitudes, instructor's support, administrative support and publications and its relationship in competition state anxiety; The athlete-respondents perception on the athlete-related factors which include the relevant training. Athlete's nutritional habits, personal preparation and its relationship to competition state anxiety and the family-related factors in terms of financial and moral supports and its relation=ship to competition state anxiety to athletes in SUC's Olympics.