Pfennig, Brian William.

Principles of inorganic chemistry / [electronic resource] Brian W. Pfennig. - Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2015. - 1 online resource.

Includes bibliographical references and index

Cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Chapter 1 The Composition of Matter; 1.1 Early Descriptions of Matter; 1.2 Visualizing Atoms; 1.3 The Periodic Table; 1.4 The Standard Model; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 2 The Structure of the Nucleus; 2.1 The Nucleus; 2.2 Nuclear Binding Energies; 2.3 Nuclear Reactions: Fusion and Fission; 2.4 Radioactive Decay and the Band of Stability; 2.5 The Shell Model of the Nucleus; 2.6 The Origin of the Elements; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 3 A Brief Review of Quantum Theory; 3.1 The Wavelike Properties of Light. 3.2 Problems with the Classical Model of the Atom3.3 The Bohr Model of the Atom; 3.4 Implications of Wave-Particle Duality; 3.5 Postulates of Quantum Mechanics; 3.6 The Schrödinger Equation; 3.7 The Particle in a Box Problem; 3.8 The Harmonic Oscillator Problem; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 4 Atomic Structure; 4.1 The Hydrogen Atom; 4.1.1 The Radial Wave Functions; 4.1.2 The Angular Wave Functions; 4.2 Polyelectronic Atoms; 4.3 Electron Spin and the Pauli Principle; 4.4 Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table; 4.5 Atomic Term Symbols. 4.5.1 Extracting Term Symbols Using Russell-Saunders Coupling4.5.2 Extracting Term Symbols Using jj Coupling; 4.5.3 Correlation Between RS (LS) Coupling and jj Coupling; 4.6 Shielding and Effective Nuclear Charge; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 5 Periodic Properties of the Elements; 5.1 The Modern Periodic Table; 5.2 Radius; 5.3 Ionization Energy; 5.4 Electron Affinity; 5.5 The Uniqueness Principle; 5.6 Diagonal Properties; 5.7 The Metal-Nonmetal Line; 5.8 Standard Reduction Potentials; 5.9 The Inert-Pair Effect; 5.10 Relativistic Effects; 5.11 Electronegativity; Exercises; Bibliography. Chapter 6 An Introduction to Chemical Bonding6.1 The Bonding in Molecular Hydrogen; 6.2 Lewis Structures; 6.3 Covalent Bond Lengths and Bond Dissociation Energies; 6.4 Resonance; 6.5 Polar Covalent Bonding; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 7 Molecular Geometry; 7.1 The VSEPR Model; 7.2 The Ligand Close-Packing Model; 7.3 A Comparison of the VSEPR and LCP Models; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 8 Molecular Symmetry; 8.1 Symmetry Elements and Symmetry Operations; 8.1.1 Identity, E; 8.1.2 Proper Rotation, Cn; 8.1.3 Reflection, ; 8.1.4 Inversion, i; 8.1.5 Improper Rotation, Sn. 8.2 Symmetry Groups8.3 Molecular Point Groups; 8.4 Representations; 8.5 Character Tables; 8.6 Direct Products; 8.7 Reducible Representations; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 9 Vibrational Spectroscopy; 9.1 Overview of Vibrational Spectroscopy; 9.2 Selection Rules for IR and Raman-Active Vibrational Modes; 9.3 Determining the Symmetries of the Normal Modes of Vibration; 9.4 Generating Symmetry Coordinates Using the Projection Operator Method; 9.5 Resonance Raman Spectroscopy; Exercises; Bibliography; Chapter 10 Covalent Bonding; 10.1 Valence Bond Theory.

Aimed at senior undergraduates and first-year graduate students, this book offers a principles-based approach to inorganic chemistry that, unlike other texts, uses chemical applications of group theory and molecular orbital theory throughout as an underlying framework. This highly physical approach allows students to derive the greatest benefit of topics such as molecular orbital acid-base theory, band theory of solids, and inorganic photochemistry, to name a few. Takes a principles-based, group and molecular orbital theory approach to inorganic chemistry The first inorganic chemistry textbook to provide a thorough treatment of group theory, a topic usually relegated to only one or two chapters of texts, giving it only a cursory overview Covers atomic and molecular term symbols, symmetry coordinates in vibrational spectroscopy using the projection operator method, polyatomic MO theory, band theory, and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams Includes a heavy dose of group theory in the primary inorganic textbook, most of the pedagogical benefits of integration and reinforcement of this material in the treatment of other topics, such as frontier MO acid--base theory, band theory of solids, inorganic photochemistry, the Jahn-Teller effect, and Wade's rules are fully realized Very physical in nature compare to other textbooks in the field, taking the time to go through mathematical derivations and to compare and contrast different theories of bonding in order to allow for a more rigorous treatment of their application to molecular structure, bonding, and spectroscopy Informal and engaging writing style; worked examples throughout the text; unanswered problems in every chapter; contains a generous use of informative, colorful illustrations.



Chemistry, Inorganic--Textbooks.
Chemistry, Inorganic--Study and teaching (Graduate)
Chemistry, Inorganic--Study and teaching (Higher)