Brewer, Ann.

Encountering, experiencing and shaping careers : thinking about careers in the 21st century / [electronic resource] Ann Brewer. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - 1 online resource.

Intro; Preface Charting a Course Through the Unknown; What Is a Career?; References; Contents; 1 The Changing Career Landscape; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Changing Landscape of Careers; 1.3 Fundamental Changes to Workers, Work and Working; 1.3.1 What Is Meant by 'Platform'?; 1.3.2 What's a 'Gig'?; 1.3.3 Platform and Gig Employment; 1.4 Just in Time Workers; 1.5 Back to the Future; 1.6 Work Participation and Experience; 1.6.1 Future Careers; 1.6.2 Labour Market Participation; 1.7 Labour Market and Career Development; 1.8 Gender and Work Participation; 1.8.1 Work Value and Gender. 1.8.2 Gender Pay Gaps1.8.3 Work Experience; 1.9 Future Implications; 1.10 Conclusion; References; 2 What Is a Career?; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Defining Career and Work; 2.3 Career Planning; 2.3.1 Creating Careers; 2.3.2 Careers Within Organisations; 2.4 Employability; 2.5 Talent and Talent Identification; 2.6 Career Guidance; 2.7 Self-managing Careers; 2.8 Career Ambition; 2.9 Critical Influences Shaping Career; 2.9.1 Negotiating a Career in a Changing Labour Market; 2.10 Generations and Careers; 2.10.1 Generational Categories; 2.11 The Concept of Generation and Intergeneration. 2.11.1 Generational Stereotypes2.11.1.1 Comparative Generational Differences in Perceived Work and Family Balance; 2.11.2 Family, Gender, Interests; 2.12 Continuity of Employment; 2.12.1 Income; 2.12.2 Work Ethic; 2.12.3 Technology; 2.13 Conclusion; References; 3 Career Research Literature; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Career Achievement; 3.3 Occupational and Professional Acculturation; 3.4 Life Span Career Development; 3.5 Life Stage Theory of Adult Development; 3.6 Career Motivation 'Theories'; 3.7 Cognitive and Social Cognitive (Career) Theories; 3.7.1 Protean and Boundaryless Career Models. 3.8 Chaos Theory of Careers3.9 Career Construction Theory; 3.10 Career Learning Theories; 3.11 Career Phases; 3.12 Career Transitions; 3.12.1 Entrepreneurial Career; 3.13 Individualised Careers; 3.14 Career Identity; 3.14.1 Practical Dimensions of Identity Capital; 3.15 Self-efficacy; 3.16 Theories Useful for Career Thinking and Development in Organisations; 3.17 Conclusion; References; 4 Factors Influencing Career; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Career Planning, Decisions and Choices; 4.2.1 Career Planning; 4.2.2 Rational Career Planning; 4.2.3 Non Rational Decision Making. 4.3 Cueing People Towards Specific Work or Career Outcomes4.4 Career Thinking; 4.4.1 Critical Thinking; 4.4.2 Critical Self-reflection; 4.4.3 A Self-reflection Activity; 4.5 Career Vision, Drive and Agency; 4.5.1 Career Pathfinding; 4.6 Investing in Career Capital; 4.7 Career Effectuation; 4.8 Design Thinking and Career Thinking; 4.9 Optimal Career Assets; 4.10 Employability; 4.10.1 Subjective Employability; 4.10.2 Employability Resources and Proactive Behaviours; 4.10.3 Objective Employability; 4.11 Learning the Ropes: New Entrants into the Labour Market.

This book investigates how people encounter, experience and shape their careers. Both the concept and the reality of a career is changing as organisations respond to globalisation and market forces. This impact is reflected in the internal labour market and hence career journeys of individuals. How people think about their career and career choices is more diverse than ever before due not only to environmental transformations but also to variations in the workforce, consisting now of five generations. With each new generation, there is little argument that contemplating career choices, seeking and promoting work opportunities as well as hiring relationships are now markedly different and less certain than previously. People have now and increasingly a greater choice over when, where, how to work and for how long. This book will provide learning for those people early in their careers as well as those in mid to later career, looking to develop or enrich their careers in some way. Understanding how work functions in people's lives; the personal and family costs incurred in maintaining and exiting a career, and how and why remaining or leaving a career is successful or not, is highly relevant. The need for career support, derived from personal, professional and organisational connections plays an important role in career choice, career transition, and career opportunities. Creativity and other 21st century skills, the vital dimensions of career development, is also discussed in this book.


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