Problems and Handling Practices of Meat Inspection Administration : A Proposed BenchMark for Improvement / Daag, Herren Donna Miguel. - 112 p. ; 27 cm. - PROBLEMS AND HANDLING PRACTICES OF MEAT INSPECTION ADMINISTRATION: A PROPOSED BENCHMARK FOR IMPROVEMENT .

Include bibliographical references. The study was conducted to evaluate and determine the problems and handling practices of meat inspection administration in the province of Bataan. Specifically it aimed to determine how the meat inspection administration affects the status of slaughterhouses in terms of anti-mortem, post mortem and post abattoir control.

The study was conducted to evaluate and determine the problems and handling practices of meat inspection administration in the Province of Bataan. Specifically, it aimed to determine how the meat inspection administration affects the status of slaughterhouses in terms of ante-mortem, post-mortem and post abattoir control. The study was delimited to DA-NMIS personnel which include: municipal/city abattoirs, market administration, Department of Agriculture, treasury office, market vendors and butchers in the province of Bataan. The respondents of the study were composed of 52 DA-NMIS personnel, 161 vendors and butchers who garnered a total of 213 respondents. The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted through prepared questionnaires and interview from the respondents in the respective municipalities/city where slaughterhouses and offices were situated, the study revealed the following findings: As regard to the demographic of the DA-NMIS personnel there were, 31 males and 21 females who engaged in meat inspection services. In terms of educational qualification, there were 64% are college graduates and 27% in the college level. It means that as government employees, they are eligible in performing their duties in line with their field of discipline. With respect to the NMIS practices, the respondents were very satisfied with the ante-mortem inspection practices having a total mean of 3.90. However, they were moderately satisfied with the post-mortem inspection and post abattoir control practices. Although, inspection of the means suggest that DA-NMIS have higher mean rating than vendors/butchers. Overall, the vendors were moderately satisfied with NMIS practices having an overall mean of 3.47 while the DA-NMIS personnel were very satisfied having a mean of 3.67. This implies that the meat inspectors are more aware on the ante-mortem inspection compared to post-mortem and post abattoir control. In terms of effectiveness of NMIS on meat inspection the respondents considered the meat inspection system in Bataan to be moderately effective having an overall mean rating of 3.26 for all the respondents. When the areas of meat inspection were compared, post-mortem inspection and post abattoir control obtained the highest mean of 3.42 which indicates moderate effectiveness. When compared to the group of respondents, anti-mortem inspection and post abattoir control were both very effective with the mean of 3.51. For the DA-NMIS personnel, the highest mean of 3.25 was on post mortem inspection. On the status of meat inspection system, the result showed that the vendors/butchers were moderately satisfied with the status of meat inspection system in Bataan having an overall mean of 3.17. On the other hand, the DA-NMIS personnel were very satisfied with the status of meat inspection having overall mean of 3.69. It only means that the respondents are both moderately satisfied having no problem and handling practices as part of meat inspection system. The findings of the study when the respondents are grouped according to municipalities/city revealed that there were significant differences in the mean perceptions of the respondents representing various municipalities of Bataan in terms of NMIS practices, effectiveness of meat inspection system and status of meat inspection system. On the other hand, when the respondents were grouped according to type, the result varies. In terms of practices, significant differences was observed between mean perceptions of the respondents. While in terms of effectiveness, the mean perception of two groups of respondents did not differ significantly. With respect to the status of meat inspection, DA-NMIS personnel had significantly higher mean rating compared to the vendors. On the meat inspection practices and the effectiveness of meat inspection showed no significant relationship between ante-mortem inspection with the three (3) areas if effectiveness, while the post-mortem inspection and post abattoir control practices were significantly correlated with the effectiveness of meat inspection administration. Overall, meat inspection practices were not significantly correlated with the effectiveness of meat inspection administration. In view of the foregoing findings and conclusions, the following recommendations wre offered: In order for the meat inspection system to be more responsive to the demands of the consuming public in production safe and wholesome meat, the local government units (LGU's) should allocate fund on the improvement of slaughterhouses facilities and to improve their public markets to meet the standard meat inspection set by the NMIS. Also the meat inspectors, butchers should attend training and seminars to further enhance their skills and knowledge. Aside from budget allocation, it is also imperative for LGU's to create local ordinances, to meet the needs of meat inspection because municipalities/city in Bataan has varying problems. Lastly, the butchers should be hired by the LGU's as job order, under the supervision of the meat inspectors to be exposed on the proper slaughtering procedures.