Towards the Development of a Workbook in Fitness Testing and Basic Exercise Programming / Tolentino, Julius Ceazar G. - 241p. ; 27 cm.

This study aimed to develop a workbook in Fitness Testing and Basic Exercise Programming for sports track students. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: How may the following topics be developed into a workbook in terms of: Introduction to Fitness Testing and Health Assessment, Testing Health-Related Fitness Parameters, Testing Skill-Related Fitness Parameters, and Exercise Programming for Healthy Individuals? How do experts evaluate the workbook in terms of objectives, format, content, language, and usability? How may the content validity of the topics in Fitness Testing and Basic Exercise Programming be described? What is the developed workbook? What are the implications of this study in teaching Sports? The study is descriptive in nature. The survey-questionnaire used by Dela Vega (2011) was used to evaluate the objectives, format, content, language and usability of the workbook by seven (7) pool of experts known in the field of physical education, sports and human movement science. The obtained data were treated statistically using mean and standard deviation in order to describe its content validity. Considering the data gathered in the study, the findings revealed that the topics in Fitness Testing and Basic Exercise Programming can be developed into a workbook where experts were satisfied in terms of its objectives, format, content, language and usability. The workbook can be useful to the students and teachers of Sports Track. Based on the findings, the researcher arrived at different recommendations such as determination of construct validity, content validity index, review of the exercises in the workbook by educational assessment experts, readability test, and further revisions through inclusion of up-to-date researches.
