Level of Effectiveness of Team-Teaching as a Strategy in Related Learning Experience / Cabritit, Rosalie I. - 129 p. ; 27 cm. - LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS OF TEAM-TEACHING AS A STRATEGY IN RELATED LEARNING EXPERIENCE .

ABSTRACT This study aimed to determine the factors that affect the effectiveness of team-teaching as a strategy in Related Learning Experience among Level II nursing students f Asia Pacific College of Advance Studies in Balanga City during Academic Year 2006-2007. Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: (1) how may the Level II nursing students be described in terms of class section and attitude towards performance during return demonstration; (2) what is the profile of the clinical instructors in terms of educational attainment, work experience, relevant seminar/training attended, work load, work status and attitude towards work; (3) what is the level of effectiveness of team-teaching as a strategy in RLE; (4) how do nursing students' and clinical instructors' profile influence the level of effectiveness of team-teaching bas a strategy in RLE; (5) which among the factors mentioned above taken singly or in combination could be considered strong determinants of effectiveness of team-teaching; and (6) is there a difference between the perceptions of the students and clinical instructors on attitude towards work.