Level of Delivery of Tender Loving Care of Nurses in Selected Hospitals Balana, Gerardo Salvador G. - 190 p. 27 cm - LEVEL OF DELIVERY OF TENDER LOVING CARE OF NURSES IN SELECTED HOSPITALS .

ABSTRACT This study investigated the level of delivery of tender loving care (TLC) at Bataan General Hospital (BGH) and St. Joseph Hospital (SJH) in the City of Balanga during year 2007 as perceived by the staff nurses and the relatives of the patients Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions: how may the staff nurse be described in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, ward assignment, seminars/trainings attended, length of service, status of employment, work ethics, and attitude and emotional quotient; how may the profile of the relatives of the patients be described in terms of age, educational attainment and family's monthly income; what is the level of delivery of TLC as perceived by staff nurses and patient's relatives in terms of admitting patient bedside care, monitoring patient condition, medications and discharging patient; how do the profiles of the nurses and patients' relatives influences the delivery of TLC during CY 2007; is there any difference in the perceptions of patients' relatives and staff nurses on the level of TLC; and which among the profile variables taken singly or in combination greatly influence the delivery of TLC.