Health Beliefs and Practices of Nursing Students and Their Performance in Related Learning Experience Bagay, Aurora Tengson - 81 p. 27 cm - HEALTH BELIEFS AND PRACTICES OF NURSING STUDENTS AND THEIR PERFORMANCE IN RELATED LEARNING EXPERIENCE .

ABSTRACT This research is focused on the health beliefs and practices among nursing students that affect their performance Related Learning Experience at Columban College, Olongapo City during Annual Year 2007-2008. The researcher chose the fourth year college nursing students as respondents of the study. There were three sections consist of a total of a hundred nineteen (119) students. Respondents' health beliefs are described in terms of the following: internal health central health efficacy, health anxiety, health expectation-optimism and health-illness prevention, while the health practices of the nursing students are described in of motivation for healthiness, health esteem, health monitoring, health assertiveness, and health consciousness.