Determinants of Effectiveness of School System in Selected City School Divisions in Region III Tablan, Merlinda Tranate - 156 p. 27 cm - DETERMINANTS OF EFFECTIVENESS OF SCHOLL SYSTEM IN SELECTED CITY SCHOOL DIVISIONS IN REGION III .

This descriptive correlation study analyzed the determinants of effectiveness of school systems in selected public elementary city schools in region III, School Year 2010-2011. Specially, it aimed to determine the profile teachers in terms of age, civil status, educational attainment, position, and teaching experience and trainings attended and school-related factors in terms of school leadership, learners' achievements, teacher performance, physical facilities and assessment program. It further intended to find out the level of effectiveness of school system in public elementary schools in terms of pupil development, monitoring and evaluation and community linkages. Likewise, it sought to determine the effort of the profile of teachers and school-related factors to the level of effectiveness of school system in selected public elementary schools and the factor that greatly influence the level of effectiveness.