Personality Domains and the Concepts of Homosexuality Inputs For Future Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) Maniago, Jestoni Dulva - 243 p. 27 cm - PRSONALITY DOMAINS AND THE CONCEPTS OF HOMOSEXUALITY: INPUTS FOR FUTURE DIAGNOSTIC AND STATISTICAL MANUAL (DSM) .

This descriptive correlational; queer study analyzed the significant relationship between personality domains and concepts of homosexuality. The results undertaken hoped to contribute in the future revisions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health and Psychiatric Disorders. The subjects of the study consisted of fifty self-acclaimed homosexual college students from two state universities in the Philippines. An instrument was designed for the purpose of analyzing the significant relationship of personality domains and concepts of homosexuality. The researcher used a psychometric tool electronically designed adapted from Google internet site to give instant percentile interpretation of the personality domains. The statistical tools used to analyze the data were the computation of mean and standard deviation, Chi-square to compare significant difference of personality domains and the concept of homosexuality when grouped according to profile variables, Pearson Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient to determine the significant relationship between personality domains and concepts of homosexuality and t-test to identify the decision to be intervened in the hypotheses.