Effectiveness of Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS) Basis For Enhancement Program Hilario, Ma. Sheryll Almira - 176 p. 27 cm - EFFECTIVENESS OF DIRECTLY OBSERVED TREATMENT SHORTCOURSE (DOTS): BASIS FOR ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM .

This study is a descriptive method of research which analyzed the effect of program administration, diagnostic services and medical follow up to the effectiveness of Directly Observed Treatment Short course (DOTS) Program of the DOH in northern Zambales during the Fiscal Year 2010. Specially, it aimed to determine the profile of the client, profile of RHU staff and clinical related factors. The client related factors considered are: age, sex, highest educational attainment, civil status, occupation, and family monthly income and client-health habits. The profile of the RHU staff is also considered such as age, sex, highest educational attainment, civil status and family monthly income. Accessibility of medical facilities, availability of materials and medicine supplies, case detection and case management are to be considered as clinical related factors.