Customer Relationship Management in Selected Business Organizations An Implication to Business Education Collera, Cherry Arranz - 160 p. 27 cm - CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN SELECTED BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: AN IMPLICATION TO BUSINESS EDUCATION .

This study aimed to determine how the profile of establishments and technology related factors affect the level of effectiveness of Computer Relationship Management (CRM) in selected business establishments in the city of Balanga during the Fiscal Year 2011. Specially, the study sought answers to the following questions: how may the profile of business establishments in the City of Balanga is described in terms of nature of the business, products/services being offered, customers, number of employees, market coverage and payment scheme; how may the following technology related factors be described in terms of adequacy, usability and availability of level of automation, existing facilities, hardware, software and people ware; what is the level of effectiveness of the CRM in terms of customer knowledge, customer interaction, customer value and customer satisfaction.