Methods that matter : integrating mixed methods for more effective social science research /
Edited by M. Cameron Hay.
- 1 online resource.
Icludes bibliographical references and index.
Includes bibliographical references and index
Preface: applying methods that matter -- Acknowledgments -- pt. 1: Methods and theory for more holistic human sciences -- Repairing the fractured social sciences: an introduction from a historical point of view / Robert A. Levine -- Ecocultural theory: foundations and applications / Carol M. Worthman -- pt. 2: Discovering mixed methods -- Ethnography in need of numbers: mixing methods to build partnerships and understand tigers / M. Cameron Hay -- Crunching numbers, listening to voices, and looking at the brain to understand family relationships among immigrant families / Andrew J. Fuligni -- "It depends": the first law of education research and development / Ronald Gallimore -- pt. 3. Mixed methods to explore cultural variability -- The soft side of hard data in the study of cultural values / Richard A. Shweder -- Images of infancy: the interplay of biological predispositions and cultural philosophies as an arena for mixed methods research / Heidi Keller -- Beyond the randomized control trial: mixed methods that matter for children's healthy development in cultural context / Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super -- Methods to inform public problems: toward an ecocultural framing of poverty / Edward D. Lowe -- pt. 4. Mixed methods and collaborative research -- Collaborative research and emergent literacy: capturing complex mixed methods data and tools for their integration and analysis / Eli Lieber -- Lessons learned from parents of adults with autism in India / Tamara C. Daley -- What makes for the best clinical care? Using trigger films to explore better integration of guidelines and experience / M. Cameron Hay, Thomas S. Weisner, and Saskia K. Subramanian -- pt. 5. Mixed methods and the insights of longitudinal research -- How siblings matter in Zinacantec Maya child development / Ashley E. Maynard -- Why mixed media methods in understanding neighborhood context and child maltreatment / Jill E. Korbin -- Multiple marginality: a comparative framework for understanding gangs / James Diego Vigil -- "I thought delay meant she would catch up": using mixed methods to study children with early developmental delays and their families / Lucinda P. Bernheimer, Ronald Gallimore, and Barbara K. Keogh -- pt. 6. Mixed methods for intervention and policy-driven research -- Mixed methods in the science of understanding antipoverty policies for families with children: four case studies / Aletha C. Huston, Greg J. Duncan, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa -- Styles of mothering, methods of engagement: bridging anthropology, psychology, and education to inform policy / Carolyn Pope Edwards -- Intervention research with clients of transgender sex workers: finding methods that work with a virtual community / Brian L. Wilcox -- pt. 7. Why mixed methods? -- Findings that matter: a commentary / Thomas S. Weisner. Acknowledgments -- Repairing the fractured social sciences: an introduction from a historical point of view / -- Ecocultural theory: foundations and applications / -- Ethnography in need of numbers: mixing methods to build partnerships and understand tigers / -- Crunching numbers, listening to voices, and looking at the brain to understand family relationships among immigrant families / -- "It depends": the first law of education research and development / -- The soft side of hard data in the study of cultural values / -- Images of infancy: the interplay of biological predispositions and cultural philosophies as an arena for mixed methods research / -- Beyond the randomized control trial: mixed methods that matter for children's healthy development in cultural context / -- Methods to inform public problems: toward an ecocultural framing of poverty / -- Collaborative research and emergent literacy: capturing complex mixed methods data and tools for their integration and analysis / -- Lessons learned from parents of adults with autism in India / -- What makes for the best clinical care? Using trigger films to explore better integration of guidelines and experience / -- How siblings matter in Zinacantec Maya child development / -- Why mixed media methods in understanding neighborhood context and child maltreatment / -- Multiple marginality: a comparative framework for understanding gangs / -- "I thought delay meant she would catch up": using mixed methods to study children with early developmental delays and their families / -- Mixed methods in the science of understanding antipoverty policies for families with children: four case studies / -- Styles of mothering, methods of engagement: bridging anthropology, psychology, and education to inform policy / -- Intervention research with clients of transgender sex workers: finding methods that work with a virtual community / -- Findings that matter: a commentary / -- Robert A. Levine -- Carol M. Worthman -- M. Cameron Hay -- Andrew J. Fuligni -- Ronald Gallimore -- Richard A. Shweder -- Heidi Keller -- Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super -- Edward D. Lowe -- Eli Lieber -- Tamara C. Daley -- M. Cameron Hay, Thomas S. Weisner, and Saskia K. Subramanian -- Ashley E. Maynard -- Jill E. Korbin -- James Diego Vigil -- Lucinda P. Bernheimer, Ronald Gallimore, and Barbara K. Keogh -- Aletha C. Huston, Greg J. Duncan, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa -- Carolyn Pope Edwards -- Brian L. Wilcox -- Thomas S. Weisner. Preface: applying methods that matter -- pt.1: Methods and theory for more holistic human sciences -- pt. 2: Discovering mixed methods -- pt.3. Mixed methods to explore cultural variability -- pt. 4. Mixed methods and collaborative research -- pt. 5. Mixed methods and the insights of longitudinal research -- pt. 6. Mixed methods for intervention and policy-driven research -- pt. 7. Why mixed methods? --
To do research that really makes a difference--the authors of this book argue--social scientists need questions and methods that reflect the complexity of the world. Bringing together a consortium of voices across a variety of fields, Methods that Matter offers compelling and successful examples of mixed methods research that do just that.